This research is supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grants No. 2015M571030, Principal Investigator: Dr. Yongliang Wang)


TDBORE solver 3D v1.1

 · CT image of glutenite                        ·Reconstruction model of glutenite       · Numerical model of glutenite

· Input interface of TDBORE solver 3D v1.1



· Output interface of TDBORE solver 3D v1.1 (Simulation results of numerical model of glutenite )


Published research papers for damage evolution, multi-fields coupling and wellbore stability

1. 2017, Science China Tech. Sci, Finite element analysis for wellbore stability of transversely isotropic rock with hydraulic-mechanical-damage coupling

The finite element analysis (FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-damage (HMD) coupling is proposed in this paper for wellbore stability analysis of transversely isotropic rock, developed basing on the recently established FEA technology for iso-tropic rock. The finite element (FE) solutions of numerical wellbore model, damage tensor calculation and Pariseau strength cri-terion for transversely isotropic rock are developed for researching the wellbore failure characteristics and computing the collapse and fracture pressure of laminated rock as shale reservoirs. The classic Biot constitutive for rock as porous medium is intro-duced to establish a set of FE equations coupling with elastic solid deformation and seepage flow. To be in accord with the in-clined wellbore situation, the coordinate transformation for global, wellbore, in-situ stress and transversely isotropic formation coordinate systems is established for describing the in-situ stress field and the results in laminated rock. To be in accord with the practical situation, a three-dimensional FE model is developed, in which several other auxiliary technologies are comprehensively utilized, e.g. the typical Weibull distribution function for heterogeneous material description and adaptive technology for mesh re-finement. The damage tensor calculation technology for transversely isotropic rock are realized from the well-developed contin-uum damage variable of isotropic rock. The rock is subsequently developed into a novel conceptual and practical model consid-ering the stress and permeability with the damage. The proposed method utilizing Pariseau strength criterion fully reflects the strength parameters parallel or perpendicular to bedding of the transversely isotropic rock. To this end, an effective and reliable numerically three-step FEA strategy is well established. Numerical examples are given to show that the proposed method can establish efficient and applicable FE model and be suitable for analyzing the state of pore pressure and stress surrounding well-bore, furthermore to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the instability analysis of wellbore failure region and the safe mud weight computation for collapse and fracture pressure of transversely isotropic rock.

2. 2017, Science China Tech. Sci, Finite element analysis for inclined wellbore stability of transversely isotropic rock with HMCD coupling based on weak plane strength criterion

The finite element analysis (FEA) technology by hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-damage (HMCD) coupling is proposed in this paper for inclined wellbore stability analysis of water-sensitive and laminated rock, developed basing on the recently established FEA technology for transversely isotropic rock with hydraulic-mechanical-damage (HMD) coupling. The chemical activity of the drilling fluid is considered as phenomenological hydration behavior, the moisture content and parameters of rock considering hydration could be determined with time. The finite element (FE) solutions of numerical wellbore model considering the chemical activity of drilling fluid, damage tensor calculation and weak plane strength criterion for transversely isotropic rock are developed for researching the wellbore failure characteristics and computing the time-dependent collapse and fracture pressure of laminated rock as shale reservoirs. A three-dimensional FE model and elastic solid deformation and seepage flow coupled equations are developed, and the damage tensor calculation technology for transversely isotropic rock are realized by introducing effect of the hydration and the stress state under the current load. The proposed method utilizing weak plane strength criterion fully reflects the strength parameters in rock matrix and weak plane. To the end, an effective and reliable numerically three-step FEA strategy is well established for wellbore stability analysis. Numerical examples are given to show that the proposed method can establish efficient and applicable FE model and be suitable for analyzing the timedependent solutions of pore pressure and stresses, and the evolution region considering the hydration surrounding wellbore, furthermore to compute the collapse cycling time and the safe mud weight for collapse and fracture pressure of transversely isotropic rock.

3. 2016, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, FE Analysis of Rock with Hydraulic-Mechanical Coupling Based on Continuum Damage Evolution

A numerical finite element (FE) analysis technology is presented for efficient and reliable solutions of rock with hydraulic-mechanical (HM) coupling, researching the seepage characteristics and simulating the damage evolution of rock. To be in accord with the actual situation, the rock is naturally viewed as heterogeneous material, in which Young???s modulus, permeability, and strength property obey the typical Weibull distribution function. The classic Biot constitutive relation for rock as porous medium is introduced to establish a set of equations coupling with elastic solid deformation and seepage flow. The rock is subsequently developed into a novel conceptual and practical model considering the damage evolution of Young???s modulus and permeability, in which comprehensive utilization of several other auxiliary technologies, for example, the Drucker-Prager strength criterion, the statistical strength theory, and the continuum damage evolution, yields the damage variable calculating technology. To this end, an effective and reliable numerical FE analysis strategy is established. Numerical examples are given to show that the proposed method can establish heterogeneous rock model and be suitable for different load conditions and furthermore to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability in the seepage and damage characteristics analysis for rock.

4. 2016, 工程力学, 基于连续损伤的岩石渗流有限元分析


5. 2017, 工程力学, 横观各向同性岩石力学-化学-损伤耦合有限元分析
