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Parallel computation
of ELFEN Key Features for the User Interface

General Features
Versatile screen layout
with user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Use of icons, selection
lists, buttons and sliders to control programs.
Easy to use view facility.
Single view of 2D, or
rotated 3D objects.
Four view layout available,
also showing elevations in X, Y or Z directions.
Dynamic rotation of
geometry on screen in full 3D using the mouse.
Rotation angle selectable
via slider or value, X, Y or Z elevations instantly selectable.
Reverse instantly
selectable to view other side of object.
Full interactive zoom and
resize facility.
Selection using lists or
graphical display, single and multiple items or selection.
Save and recall selected
Component rotation from
camera or object viewpoint.
View may be either
Orthographic or Perspective.
On screen cursor speed
Hard copy.
Parametric geometry
definition using tokens.
Point, line, arc, circle,
and quadratic curves.
Geometry can be generated
graphically or imported from a CAD system (including NURBS surfaces and
tessellated surfaces).
CAD-style facilities such
as copy, move, rotate and mirror.
Angular units can be
degrees or radians.
Automatic surface and
volume generation from wireframe.
Automatic generation of
particulate geometry (2D disks and 3D spheres).
Automatic generation of
pre-existing fractures (joint sets).
On-screen labelling of
geometry entities.
Visibility toggling for
geometric entities
ELFEN gem file format - may
be used to import data from other systems.
Collections of geometric
entities can be defined as objects for slideline contact, adaptivity and
multi-stage analyses.
Local co-ordinate systems
for beams and structural fixities.
Point loading.
Pressure/face loading with
distribution defined across the domain.
Body forces and gravity.
Applied displacements,
velocities, accelerations and temperatures.
Thermal loading for both
transient and steady-state problems.
Fluid loads, e.g. pressure
and velocity.
Seepage loads, e.g.
prescribed pore pressure.
Initial stress and strain
Point masses.
Multiple load cases.
Load functions for
nonlinear and dynamic analyses, with facilities for importing and
manipulating load curves.
Load relaxation for gradual
deactivation of load
Initial Conditions
Initial and reference
Geostatic initialisation
for geotechnical projects.
Initial porosity, pore
pressure, liquid saturation and gas saturation..
Constraints and Boundary Conditions
Structural fixities and
coupled constraints.
Initial and reference
Infinite and non-reflecting
Damping for dynamic
Constraint relaxation for
gradual release of structural fixities.
Slideline contact with
Deformable/rigid surfaces.
Discrete element contact
(including fracture for appropriate material models).
Materials Database
Interactive materials
Wide range of material
Wide range of failure and
damage models.
Several separate databases
may be defined.
Direct link with
Hard copy facility.
Graph facility.
Access can be controlled
via password.
Alternative format
.use material property files,
e.g. for seepage analysis.
Mesh Generation
Structured mesh generation
2D or 3D, with triangular, quadrilateral, hexahedral and tetrahedral
elements of 3, 4, 8, 9, and 20 nodes.
Structured mesh
specification by equal, weighted or progressive divisions, with default.
Unstructured mesh
generation 2D or 3D, with triangular, quadrilateral or tetrahedral elements
with 3, 6, 4 and 10 nodes.
Unstructured mesh sizes
applied to volume, surface, line/arc or point entities, in a hierarchical
Delaunay and Advancing
Front algorithms for unstructured meshing.
Density regions for initial
mesh for unstructured meshing (independent of geometric items).
Adaptive remeshing on
unstructured meshes in 2D and 3D, including mesh regions for localised mesh
density control.
Range of error computation
algorithms for controlling adaptive remeshing.
Mesh refinement.
Single or multi-field
analyses, using both Implicit and Explicit solution methods.
Field types include:
Mechanical - including linear elastic, nonlinear (material and geometric
nonlinearity), dynamic relaxation, discrete and combined finite/discrete.
Thermal (and general quasi-harmonic field problems)
Internal and external
coupling schemes for multi-field projects.
Range of Implicit solvers,
with both incremental and arc-length schemes.
Output control, e.g., data
echo, individual variable values, nodal values, integration point values.
Element options, e.g.
integration rules, use of special strain interpolation algorithms.
Equation solution
High resolution history
graph plot definition.
Material grid definition.
Output filtering.
Multi-stage definition.
Adaptivity definition with
specification of local regions of mesh refinement.
Mass scaling for explicit
timestep control.
New module for results
Uses binary output file for
reduced size and increased efficiency.
Ability to load multiple
result sets simultaneously.
Time selection by slider
with real-time screen update, or selection of specific output from stack.
Mouse controlled zoom, pan
and rotate of display in real time.
Shaded images with flexible
lighting options, brightness and colour control.
Layer selection for layered
shells and beams.
Domain items selected from
list, with visibility toggling.
Mesh plotting styles: Wire
frame, Solid, Profile, Edgeless.
Contour plots: Automatic or
user defined contour bands, User-specified contour key style, Texture
Display tools: Sectioning,
Isosurfaces for contour plots, MRI, Reference grid display, Axis display,
揗ouse-over� information for on-screen description of nearest entity.
Vector plots:
User-specified contour key style, Choice of line style, Scaling of vector
Graph plotting: Multiple
nodes and/or time increments, Graphs along arbitrary section lines, Export
of graph data in tabular form, High resolution history graph plotting.
Geometric manipulation
facilities, e.g. mirror, copy.
Result combinations.
Animations in AVI format.